Top 50+ Docker Commands You MUST Know

Top 50+ Docker Commands You MUST Know

Docker has revolutionized the way software is developed, shipped, and deployed. By providing a consistent environment across different stages of development, Docker ensures that applications run seamlessly from development to production. This containerization technology has become a cornerstone in modern DevOps practices, enabling developers and system administrators to work more efficiently and reliably.

Knowing Docker commands is essential for anyone involved in software development or system administration. These commands allow you to manage containers, images, networks, and volumes with ease, providing you with the tools needed to build, deploy, and maintain applications effectively. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of the top 50+ Docker commands that are crucial for effective container management. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, mastering these commands will enhance your productivity and streamline your workflows.

Section 1: Basic Docker Commands

1.1 Docker Version and Info

Understanding the version and system-wide information of Docker installed on your machine is the first step in mastering Docker commands. Here are the essential commands:

  • docker --version: This command displays the version of Docker installed on your system. It’s a quick way to verify that Docker is installed and to check which version you are running.

    $ docker --version
    Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350
  • docker version: This command provides detailed version information about the Docker client and server. It includes the version number, Git commit, and build date.

    $ docker version
     Version:           20.10.7
     API version:       1.41
     Go version:        go1.13.15
     Git commit:        f0df350
     Built:             Wed Jun  2 11:56:24 2021
     OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
     Context:           default
     Experimental:      true
      Version:          20.10.7
      API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
      Go version:       go1.13.15
      Git commit:       b0f5bc3
      Built:            Wed Jun  2 11:55:04 2021
      OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
      Experimental:     false
  • docker info: This command displays system-wide information about Docker, including the number of containers, images, and the storage driver in use. It’s useful for getting a comprehensive overview of your Docker environment.

    $ docker info
     Context:    default
     Debug Mode: false
     Containers: 2
      Running: 1
      Paused: 0
      Stopped: 1
     Images: 5
     Storage Driver: overlay2
     Logging Driver: json-file
     Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
      Volume: local
      Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
      Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
     Swarm: inactive
     Runtimes: runc
     Default Runtime: runc
     Init Binary: docker-init
     containerd version: 7ad184331fa3e55e52b890ea95e65ba581ae3429
     runc version: b9ee9c6314599f1b4a7f497e1f1f856fe433d3b7
     init version: de40ad0
     Security Options:
       Profile: default
     Kernel Version: 5.8.0-53-generic
     Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
     OSType: linux
     Architecture: x86_64
     CPUs: 4
     Total Memory: 7.771GiB
     Name: docker-desktop
     ID: 3Z4Q:KZ3F:3Z4Q:KZ3F:3Z4Q:KZ3F:3Z4Q:KZ3F
     Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
     Debug Mode: false
     Experimental: false
     Insecure Registries:
     Live Restore Enabled: false

1.2 Docker Help

Docker provides built-in help commands to assist you in understanding the usage and options of various Docker commands:

  • docker --help: This command displays a list of all available Docker commands along with a brief description of each. It’s a handy reference for quickly finding the command you need.

    $ docker --help
    Usage:  docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND
    A self-sufficient runtime for containers
      --config string      Location of client config files (default
      -D, --debug          Enable debug mode
      -H, --host list      Daemon socket(s) to connect to
      -l, --log-level string   Set the logging level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
                               (default "info")
      --tls                Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
      --tlscacert string   Trust certs signed only by this CA (default
      --tlscert string     Path to TLS certificate file (default
      --tlskey string      Path to TLS key file (default "/root/.docker/key.pem")
      --tlsverify          Use TLS and verify the remote
      -v, --version        Print version information and quit
    Management Commands:
      builder     Manage builds
      config      Manage Docker configs
      container   Manage containers
      context     Manage contexts
      engine      Manage the docker engine
      image       Manage images
      network     Manage networks
      node        Manage Swarm nodes
      plugin      Manage plugins
      secret      Manage [Docker secrets](
      service     Manage services
      stack       Manage Docker stacks
      swarm       Manage Swarm
      system      Manage Docker
      trust       Manage trust on Docker images
      volume      Manage volumes
      attach      Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
      build       Build an image from a Dockerfile
      commit      Create a new image from a container's changes
      cp          Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
      create      Create a new container
      diff        Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem
      events      Get real time events from the server
      exec        Run a command in a running container
      export      Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive
      history     Show the history of an image
      images      List images
      import      Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
      info        Display system-wide information
      inspect     Return low-level information on Docker objects
      kill        Kill one or more running containers
      load        Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
      login       Log in to a Docker registry
      logout      Log out from a Docker registry
      logs        Fetch the logs of a container
      pause       Pause all processes within one or more containers
      port        List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
      ps          List containers
      pull        Pull an image or a repository from a registry
      push        Push an image or a repository to a registry
      rename      Rename a container
      restart     Restart one or more containers
      rm          Remove one or more containers
      rmi         Remove one or more images
      run         Run a command in a new container
      save        Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
      search      Search the Docker Hub for images
      start       Start one or more stopped containers
      stats       Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
      stop        Stop one or more running containers
      tag         Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
      top         Display the running processes of a container
      unpause     Unpause all processes within one or more containers
      update      Update configuration of one or more containers
      version     Show the Docker version information
      wait        Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes
    Run 'docker COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
  • docker <command> --help: This command provides detailed help for a specific Docker command, including its usage, options, and examples. For instance, if you want to learn more about the docker run command, you can use:

    $ docker run --help
    Usage:  docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
    Run a command in a new container
      -d, --detach                         Run container in background and print container ID
      --name string                        Assign a name to the container
      -p, --publish list                   Publish a container's port(s) to the host
      -v, --volume list                    Bind mount a volume
      --rm                                 Automatically remove the container when it exits
      -i, --interactive                    Keep STDIN open even if not attached
      -t, --tty                            Allocate a pseudo-TTY
      --network string                     Connect a container to a network
      --restart string                     Restart policy to apply when a container exits
      --env list                           Set environment variables
      --label list                         Set metadata on a container
      --log-driver string                  Logging driver for the container
      --log-opt list                       Log driver options
      --privileged                         Give extended privileges to this container
      --user string                        Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])
      --workdir string                     Working directory inside the container
      --entrypoint string                  Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image
      --cpus decimal                       Number of CPUs
      --memory string                      Memory limit
      --memory-swap string                 Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: '-1' to enable unlimited swap
      --memory-reservation string          Memory soft limit
      --cpu-shares int                     CPU shares (relative weight)
      --cpu-period int                     Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period
      --cpu-quota int                      Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota
      --cpuset-cpus string                 CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
      --cpuset-mems string                 MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)

These basic commands form the foundation of working with Docker, providing you with essential information and help to get started.

Section 2: Working with Docker Images

2.1 Pulling Images

Docker images are the blueprints for containers, and pulling images from a registry is often the first step in using Docker. Here are the key commands for pulling images:

  • docker pull <image>: This command downloads an image from a Docker registry (such as Docker Hub). If no tag is specified, Docker defaults to pulling the latest tag.

    $ docker pull ubuntu
    Using default tag: latest
    latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
    6d28e14ab8c8: Pull complete
    1c9383292a8f: Pull complete
    6c0b1f2a1dcd: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256: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
  • docker pull <image>:<tag>: This command downloads a specific version of an image from a Docker registry. Tags are used to specify different versions of an image.

    $ docker pull nginx:alpine
    alpine: Pulling from library/nginx
    6d28e14ab8c8: Pull complete
    1c9383292a8f: Pull complete
    6c0b1f2a1dcd: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256: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

2.2 Listing Images

Once you have pulled images, you may want to list them to see what is available on your local system. Docker provides commands to list all images:

  • docker images: This command lists all images on the local system, including their repository, tag, image ID, creation date, and size.

    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    ubuntu              latest              4e9f2cdfd5d6        2 weeks ago         72.9MB
    nginx               alpine              6d28e14ab8c8        3 weeks ago         22.3MB

2.3 Removing Images

Managing disk space is crucial, especially when dealing with multiple images. Docker provides commands to remove images that are no longer needed:

  • docker rmi <image>: This command removes one or more images by their image ID or repository name and tag. You can specify multiple images to remove by separating them with spaces.

    $ docker rmi nginx:alpine
    Untagged: nginx:alpine
    Deleted: sha256:6d28e14ab8c8
  • docker rmi $(docker images -q): This command removes all images on the local system. The -q flag with docker images outputs only the image IDs, which are then passed to docker rmi for removal.

    $ docker rmi $(docker images -q)
    Untagged: ubuntu:latest
    Deleted: sha256:4e9f2cdfd5d6

2.4 Building Images

Building custom images from a Dockerfile is a common practice in Docker. Here are the commands to build images:

  • docker build -t <image>:<tag> <path>: This command builds an image from a Dockerfile located at the specified path. The -t flag tags the image with a name and optional tag.

    $ docker build -t myapp:1.0 .
    Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.048kB
    Step 1/3 : FROM ubuntu
     ---> 4e9f2cdfd5d6
    Step 2/3 : COPY . /app
     ---> Using cache
     ---> 1c9383292a8f
    Step 3/3 : CMD ["python", "/app/"]
     ---> Using cache
     ---> 6c0b1f2a1dcd
    Successfully built 6c0b1f2a1dcd
    Successfully tagged myapp:1.0
  • docker build --no-cache -t <image>:<tag> <path>: This command builds an image without using the cache. It’s useful when you want to ensure that all steps in the Dockerfile are executed fresh.

    $ docker build --no-cache -t myapp:1.0 .
    Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.048kB
    Step 1/3 : FROM ubuntu
     ---> 4e9f2cdfd5d6
    Step 2/3 : COPY . /app
     ---> 1c9383292a8f
    Step 3/3 : CMD ["python", "/app/"]
     ---> 6c0b1f2a1dcd
    Successfully built 6c0b1f2a1dcd
    Successfully tagged myapp:1.0

These commands cover the essential operations for working with Docker images, from pulling and listing to removing and building them.

Section 3: Managing Docker Containers

3.1 Running Containers

Running containers is one of the core functionalities of Docker. Here are the key commands for running containers:

  • docker run <image>: This command runs a container from a specified image. If the image is not available locally, Docker will pull it from the registry.

    $ docker run ubuntu
  • docker run -d <image>: This command runs a container in detached mode, meaning it runs in the background.

    $ docker run -d nginx
  • docker run -it <image>: This command runs a container in interactive mode with a terminal attached. It’s useful for debugging or running commands inside the container.

    $ docker run -it ubuntu

3.2 Listing Containers

To manage running and stopped containers, Docker provides commands to list them:

  • docker ps: This command lists all running containers, displaying their container ID, image, command, creation time, status, ports, and names.

    $ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE     COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
    5d8c5c4b5b6a   nginx     "nginx -g 'daemon of..."   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes   80/tcp    amazing_bell
  • docker ps -a: This command lists all containers, including stopped ones. It provides a comprehensive view of all containers on the system.

    $ docker ps -a
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE     COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                     PORTS     NAMES
    5d8c5c4b5b6a   nginx     "nginx -g 'daemon of..."   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes               80/tcp    amazing_bell
    1c9383292a8f   ubuntu    "/bin/bash"              5 minutes ago   Exited (0) 3 minutes ago             compassionate_morse

3.3 Stopping and Starting Containers

Managing the state of containers involves stopping, starting, and restarting them:

  • docker stop <container>: This command stops a running container. You can specify the container by its ID or name.

    $ docker stop amazing_bell
  • docker start <container>: This command starts a stopped container.

    $ docker start amazing_bell
  • docker restart <container>: This command restarts a running or stopped container.

    $ docker restart amazing_bell

3.4 Removing Containers

To free up system resources, you can remove stopped containers:

  • docker rm <container>: This command removes a stopped container. You can specify the container by its ID or name.

    $ docker rm compassionate_morse
  • docker rm $(docker ps -a -q): This command removes all stopped containers. The -q flag with docker ps -a outputs only the container IDs, which are then passed to docker rm for removal.

    $ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

These commands cover the essential operations for managing Docker containers, from running and listing to stopping, starting, and removing them.

Section 4: Inspecting and Logging

4.1 Inspecting Containers and Images

Inspecting containers and images allows you to retrieve detailed information about their configuration and state. Here are the key commands for inspection:

  • docker inspect <container>: This command provides detailed information about a container in JSON format. It includes details such as the container’s configuration, state, network settings, and more.

    $ docker inspect amazing_bell
            "Id": "5d8c5c4b5b6a",
            "Created": "2021-06-02T11:56:24.123456789Z",
            "Path": "nginx",
            "Args": [
                "daemon off;"
            "State": {
                "Status": "running",
                "Running": true,
                "Paused": false,
                "Restarting": false,
                "OOMKilled": false,
                "Dead": false,
                "Pid": 1234,
                "ExitCode": 0,
                "Error": "",
                "StartedAt": "2021-06-02T11:56:25.123456789Z",
                "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
            "Image": "sha256:6d28e14ab8c8",
            "ResolvConfPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/5d8c5c4b5b6a/resolv.conf",
            "HostnamePath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/5d8c5c4b5b6a/hostname",
            "HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/5d8c5c4b5b6a/hosts",
            "LogPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/5d8c5c4b5b6a/5d8c5c4b5b6a-json.log",
            "Name": "/amazing_bell",
            "RestartCount": 0,
            "Driver": "overlay2",
            "Platform": "linux",
            "MountLabel": "",
            "ProcessLabel": "",
            "AppArmorProfile": "",
            "ExecIDs": null,
            "HostConfig": {
                "Binds": null,
                "ContainerIDFile": "",
                "LogConfig": {
                    "Type": "json-file",
                    "Config": {}
                "NetworkMode": "default",
                "PortBindings": {},
                "RestartPolicy": {
                    "Name": "no",
                    "MaximumRetryCount": 0
                "AutoRemove": false,
                "VolumeDriver": "",
                "VolumesFrom": null,
                "CapAdd": null,
                "CapDrop": null,
                "Dns": [],
                "DnsOptions": [],
                "DnsSearch": [],
                "ExtraHosts": null,
                "GroupAdd": null,
                "IpcMode": "private",
                "Cgroup": "",
                "Links": null,
                "OomScoreAdj": 0,
                "PidMode": "",
                "Privileged": false,
                "PublishAllPorts": false,
                "ReadonlyRootfs": false,
                "SecurityOpt": null,
                "UTSMode": "",
                "UsernsMode": "",
                "ShmSize": 67108864,
                "Runtime": "runc",
                "ConsoleSize": [
                "Isolation": "",
                "CpuShares": 0,
                "Memory": 0,
                "NanoCpus": 0,
                "CgroupParent": "",
                "BlkioWeight": 0,
                "BlkioWeightDevice": null,
                "BlkioDeviceReadBps": null,
                "BlkioDeviceWriteBps": null,
                "BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null,
                "BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null,
                "CpuPeriod": 0,
                "CpuQuota": 0,
                "CpuRealtimePeriod": 0,
                "CpuRealtimeRuntime": 0,
                "CpusetCpus": "",
                "CpusetMems": "",
                "Devices": [],
                "DeviceCgroupRules": null,
                "DeviceRequests": null,
                "KernelMemory": 0,
                "KernelMemoryTCP": 0,
                "MemoryReservation": 0,
                "MemorySwap": 0,
                "MemorySwappiness": null,
                "OomKillDisable": false,
                "PidsLimit": null,
                "Ulimits": null,
                "CpuCount": 0,
                "CpuPercent": 0,
                "IOMaximumIOps": 0,
                "IOMaximumBandwidth": 0,
                "MaskedPaths": [
                "ReadonlyPaths": [
            "GraphDriver": {
                "Data": {
                    "LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6d28e14ab8c8/lower",
                    "MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6d28e14ab8c8/merged",
                    "UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6d28e14ab8c8/upper",
                    "WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6d28e14ab8c8/work"
                "Name": "overlay2"
            "Mounts": [],
            "Config": {
                "Hostname": "5d8c5c4b5b6a",
                "Domainname": "",
                "User": "",
                "AttachStdin": false,
                "AttachStdout": false,
                "AttachStderr": false,
                "ExposedPorts": {
                    "80/tcp": {}
                "Tty": false,
                "OpenStdin": false,
                "StdinOnce": false,
                "Env": [
                "Cmd": [
                    "daemon off;"
                "Image": "nginx",
                "Volumes": null,
                "WorkingDir": "",
                "Entrypoint": null,
                "OnBuild": null,
                "Labels": {},
                "StopSignal": "SIGTERM",
                "StopTimeout": null,
                "Shell": null
            "NetworkSettings": {
                "Bridge": "",
                "SandboxID": "6d28e14ab8c8",
                "HairpinMode": false,
                "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
                "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
                "Ports": {
                    "80/tcp": [
                            "HostIp": "",
                            "HostPort": "32768"
                "SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/6d28e14ab8c8",
                "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
                "SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,
                "EndpointID": "6d28e14ab8c8",
                "Gateway": "",
                "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
                "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
                "IPAddress": "",
                "IPPrefixLen": 16,
                "IPv6Gateway": "",
                "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
                "Networks": {
                    "bridge": {
                        "IPAMConfig": null,
                        "Links": null,
                        "Aliases": null,
                        "NetworkID": "6d28e14ab8c8",
                        "EndpointID": "6d28e14ab8c8",
                        "Gateway": "",
                        "IPAddress": "",
                        "IPPrefixLen": 16,
                        "IPv6Gateway": "",
                        "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
                        "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
                        "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
                        "DriverOpts": null
  • docker inspect <image>: This command provides detailed information about an image in JSON format. It includes details such as the image’s configuration, layers, and more.

    $ docker inspect nginx:alpine
            "Id": "sha256:6d28e14ab8c8",
            "RepoTags": [
            "RepoDigests": [

4.2 Viewing Logs

Logs are crucial for debugging and monitoring the behavior of your containers. Docker provides commands to view the logs of a container:

  • docker logs <container>: This command fetches the logs of a container. You can specify the container by its ID or name. It displays all the logs generated by the container since it started.

    $ docker logs amazing_bell
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: using the "epoll" event method
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: nginx/1.19.10
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: built by gcc 9.3.0 (Alpine 9.3.0)
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: OS: Linux 5.8.0-53-generic
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 1048576:1048576
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker processes
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 30
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 31
  • docker logs -f <container>: This command follows the logs of a container in real-time. The -f flag stands for “follow,” similar to the tail -f command in Unix-like systems. It continues to display new log entries as they are generated.

    $ docker logs -f amazing_bell
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: using the "epoll" event method
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: nginx/1.19.10
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: built by gcc 9.3.0 (Alpine 9.3.0)
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: OS: Linux 5.8.0-53-generic
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 1048576:1048576
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker processes
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 30
    2021/06/02 11:56:25 [notice] 1#1: start worker process 31

These commands provide essential tools for inspecting and logging, enabling you to retrieve detailed information and monitor the behavior of your containers and images.

Section 5: Networking

5.1 Managing Networks

Docker networking is a crucial aspect of container management, enabling communication between containers and external systems. Here are the key commands for managing Docker networks:

  • docker network ls: This command lists all Docker networks on the local system, including their names, IDs, drivers, and scope.

    $ docker network ls
    6d28e14ab8c8   bridge    bridge    local
    1c9383292a8f   host      host      local
    6c0b1f2a1dcd   none      null      local
  • docker network create <network>: This command creates a new Docker network with the specified name. By default, it uses the bridge driver, but you can specify other drivers such as overlay.

    $ docker network create my_network
  • docker network rm <network>: This command removes a Docker network by its name or ID. You can only remove networks that are not in use by any containers.

    $ docker network rm my_network

5.2 Connecting and Disconnecting Containers

Managing the connections between containers and networks is essential for ensuring proper communication and isolation. Here are the commands to connect and disconnect containers from networks:

  • docker network connect <network> <container>: This command connects a container to a specified network. You can specify the container by its ID or name.

    $ docker network connect my_network amazing_bell
  • docker network disconnect <network> <container>: This command disconnects a container from a specified network.

    $ docker network disconnect my_network amazing_bell

These commands provide the essential tools for managing Docker networks, enabling you to create, list, remove networks, and manage container connections.

Section 6: Volumes and Data Management

6.1 Managing Volumes

Docker volumes are used to persist data generated by and used by Docker containers. Here are the key commands for managing Docker volumes:

  • docker volume ls: This command lists all Docker volumes on the local system, including their names and driver information.

    $ docker volume ls
    local     my_volume
    local     another_volume
  • docker volume create <volume>: This command creates a new Docker volume with the specified name.

    $ docker volume create my_volume
  • docker volume rm <volume>: This command removes a Docker volume by its name. You can only remove volumes that are not in use by any containers.

    $ docker volume rm my_volume

6.2 Using Volumes

Mounting volumes to containers allows you to persist data and share it between containers. Here are the commands to use volumes with containers:

  • docker run -v <volume>:/path/in/container <image>: This command mounts a volume to a specified path inside the container. The -v flag is used to specify the volume and the mount path.

    $ docker run -v my_volume:/data ubuntu
  • docker run --mount source=<volume>,target=/path/in/container <image>: This command is another way to mount a volume to a container using the --mount flag. It provides more options and flexibility compared to the -v flag.

    $ docker run --mount source=my_volume,target=/data ubuntu

These commands provide the essential tools for managing Docker volumes, enabling you to create, list, remove volumes, and mount them to containers for data persistence and sharing.

Section 7: Docker Compose

7.1 Basic Commands

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. Here are the key commands for working with Docker Compose:

  • docker-compose up: This command starts the services defined in a docker-compose.yml file. It creates and starts containers, networks, and volumes as specified in the file.

    $ docker-compose up
    Creating network "myapp_default" with the default driver
    Creating volume "myapp_data" with default driver
    Creating myapp_db_1 ... done
    Creating myapp_web_1 ... done
    Attaching to myapp_db_1, myapp_web_1
    db_1   | 2021-06-02 11:56:25.123456789 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
    web_1  |  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
  • docker-compose down: This command stops and removes containers, networks, and volumes defined in a docker-compose.yml file. It cleans up the environment created by docker-compose up.

    $ docker-compose down
    Stopping myapp_web_1 ... done
    Stopping myapp_db_1  ... done
    Removing myapp_web_1 ... done
    Removing myapp_db_1  ... done
    Removing network myapp_default
    Removing volume myapp_data

7.2 Managing Services

Docker Compose provides commands to manage the services defined in a docker-compose.yml file:

  • docker-compose ps: This command lists the containers managed by Docker Compose, including their names, states, and ports.

    $ docker-compose ps
    Name                Command               State           Ports
    myapp_db_1   Up      3306/tcp
    myapp_web_1         flask run              Up>5000/tcp
  • docker-compose logs: This command displays the logs of services managed by Docker Compose. It aggregates the logs from all containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

    $ docker-compose logs
    db_1   | 2021-06-02 11:56:25.123456789 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
    web_1  |  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

These commands provide the essential tools for working with Docker Compose, enabling you to start, stop, and manage multi-container applications efficiently.

Section 8: Advanced Commands

8.1 Docker Exec

Executing commands inside a running container is often necessary for debugging or performing administrative tasks. Here are the key commands for using docker exec:

  • docker exec -it <container> <command>: This command runs a command in a running container. The -it flags are used to run the command in interactive mode with a terminal attached.

    $ docker exec -it amazing_bell /bin/bash
  • docker exec -u <user> -it <container> <command>: This command runs a command as a specific user inside a running container. The -u flag specifies the user.

    $ docker exec -u www-data -it amazing_bell /bin/bash

8.2 Docker Export and Import

Exporting and importing containers allows you to save and restore container states. Here are the key commands for exporting and importing containers:

  • docker export <container> > <file.tar>: This command exports a container’s filesystem as a tar archive. It does not include the container’s metadata (such as environment variables and linked containers).

    $ docker export amazing_bell > amazing_bell.tar
  • docker import <file.tar>: This command imports a tar archive as a Docker image. You can specify a repository name and tag for the imported image.

    $ docker import amazing_bell.tar myimage:latest

8.3 Docker Save and Load

Saving and loading images allows you to transfer images between different Docker environments. Here are the key commands for saving and loading images:

  • docker save -o <file.tar> <image>: This command saves an image to a tar archive. It includes all layers and metadata of the image.

    $ docker save -o myimage.tar myimage:latest
  • docker load -i <file.tar>: This command loads an image from a tar archive. It restores the image, including all layers and metadata.

    $ docker load -i myimage.tar

These advanced commands provide powerful tools for executing commands inside containers, exporting and importing container states, and saving and loading images for transfer and backup.

Docker commands are essential for effectively managing containers and images in your development and production environments. By mastering these commands, you can streamline your workflow, troubleshoot issues more efficiently, and take full advantage of Docker’s capabilities. Remember that Docker is constantly evolving, so it’s a good idea to regularly check the official Docker documentation for the most up-to-date information and best practices.

For a comprehensive list of Docker containers that can enhance your home server setup, check out our guide on Best 100+ Docker Containers for Home Server. This resource provides a wealth of options for various applications and services you can run using Docker, helping you make the most of your containerized environment.